June 27, 2012

A Mother's Value

‘A man came to the Prophet (pbuh) and asked “Who should I put first above all?” The Prophet (pbuh) has then been narrated to say; “your mother” “Then who?” The man asked. “Your mother” The prophet replied. “Then who?” The man asked, “Your mother” The Prophet replied. “Then who?” The man asked again, “your father” The Prophet replied.’
-Said with references from Hadith books; may Allah forgive me for narrating the Hadith in its wrong due-fill written manner.

After Allah a mother is the main cause for our entrance into this world. In the above hadith, Nabi (s.a.w) gave mother a three times higher status than fathers. Why? Because what a mother does for her children not a single other soul in the world can ever do. Firstly she carried her child in her stomach for 9 long months bearing pain that no one else can understand. After all this she spends the rest of her life loving her child, raising him or her and working hard to give him or her beautiful life.

No one can understand what it means to be a mother except our mothers themselves. No one can love and care for someone so much that they sacrifice everything in their life for us than our mother does for us.
A mother is someone who stayed up all night taking care of you. She closed up the cuts you got playing outside. And yet we do not value our mothers they way we should. Every day our mother get up early in the morning to make our lunches for school, washes our clothes and does so much more!

The children of today don’t realize the value we should give our mothers. In the Georgian calendar, mother’s day comes around once a year. Why is that we should be nice, kind and loving to our mother on that one day? Why should we give a gift on that specific day? Why not every day? In Islam, we are taught from the day of our birth to love your mother. To not say even oof to her. To not humiliate, embarrass her or be disrespectful to her. Every day is mother’s day for Muslims; every day we should be kind to our mother, love her and respect her.

One day your mother might leave this earth, then what will you do? Today, when you're hurt or sad and want a comforting shoulder; you turn towards your mother. If she's gone, who will you turn towards to after Allah? Value her while you have her for death doesn’t come calling and you never know what may happen next.

Jannah (paradise) lies underneath the feet of your mother; remember that and follow what you have to, to keep your mother happy and you can remember to accept acceptance into Jannah.
A mother is important and without her you couldn’t be standing where you stand today. May Allah (swt) make us all the coolness of our parent’s eyes and May he keep us dutiful to them and may we all love our mother and father till our death. Ameen

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